How to Cope With Intense Political Stress
Jan 29, 2025
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Today is the Lunar New Year - the first new moon of the year, marking the energetic reset we’ve all been longing for.
If we let it, this moment in time can mark the end of the Old Earth and the beginning of the New Earth - what Eckhart Tolle described as a world where our individual egos dissolve and we enter a state of unity, love, and co-creation that benefits everyone and everything on this planet.
As with any new creation, the birthing of this New Earth has begun with intense contractions.
Without a doubt, the past 10 days have been rough.
We are in the middle of a barrage of violence perpetrated by those in power to create chaos, fear, and confusion in us all with the intention of throwing us off our centers so the oligarchs can quietly filter federal funding into their own bank accounts.
Sadly, there seems to be no end in sight.
I promise though, this love letter is not a political rant. You’ve likely had enough exposure to a fearful, sad, hopeless interpretation of our world, and I refuse to perpetuate that energy within our sacred community.
Still, I’ve heard from many of you - and it has been my own experience - that the stress of it all has become unsustainable. That’s what I’d like to support you with today.
Every single one of us on this planet is a conduit of energy.
At the very core of who you are lies a filtration system set up so you can determine which energy you desire for your life and which energy you do not.
This is your inner GPS - your Gravity Point System, guiding every single thing you feel, think, and do.
When it’s operating in alignment with your Divine Design, your feelings, thoughts, and actions will naturally contribute to the creation of a New Earth marked by peace, hope, and love.
But when your inner GPS becomes overwhelmed by stress, clogged with energy that isn’t for your highest good, and stuck in cycles of trauma, you will lose control over your feelings, thoughts, and actions.
Make no mistake, when your inner GPS is distorted, overwhelmed, and overly stressed, you become vulnerable to those who wish to control you and your own inner GPS can be used against you.
Right now, if you find yourself stuck in a state of fear, resentment, hopelessness, and shame, that’s not an accident. It’s because this planet’s perpetrators are intentionally turning you into a paralyzed puppet so they can go about their way.
The most revolutionary act you can take right now is to reclaim control over your inner GPS, and the first step in that process is to examine your world and let go of that which has become intolerable to you.
I’ll be honest: most folks really struggle with letting go, because it’s often challenging to bring something to an end.
It’s far easier to dream up new possibilities, draw up beautiful vision boards, and make plans for how to grow what’s already there or create something new.
Don’t get me wrong: positive contribution and growth are absolutely necessary right now. We need more high-vibing energy in the world, and we need to support organizations and individuals who are working for positive change.
However, the laws of the universe are clear: for something new to manifest, there must be an empty space for it to appear.
We absolutely need to re-imagine our individual worlds in a positive, peaceful, loving way so that we can re-imagine our collective world in the same spirit. But even more so, we need to take a stand and end cycles of abuse, stress, and trauma - first.
So under the emptiness of this year’s first new moon, ask yourself:
- Where in your life is there unsustainable stress?
- What can you do to end it right now?
Endings are never easy, because they’re sad. And most of us are raised to avoid sadness altogether. But sadness, mourning, and grief are necessary prerequisites to transformation. If you want to call in more abundance, you first need to clear out a space for its new home.
If, for example, you want to call in more money, you may need to end relationships and situations which devalue your self-worth.
If you want more peace, you may need to create empty spaces in your schedule to meditate.
If you want healing, you may need to separate from stressful social situations, social media, or news outlets that share stories in ways designed to spread the trauma they are reporting.
If you want more safety, you may need to stand up to bullies in your life and set boundaries that end toxic cycles of neglect and abuse.
If you want more clarity, communication, and connection in your home, you may need to end your family’s addiction to their phones.
Transformation begins with letting go and completes with letting in.
I’ve done some difficult transformative work of my own this week. And while everyone has to determine their own path, here are four examples of my own letting go/letting in practice in case it inspires your own.
Let Go: I set boundaries against a bully who was breaking me down.
Let In: I connected with loved ones to nurture the relationships that build me up.
Let Go: I stopped sitting at my computer working for more than 90 minutes at a time.
Let In: I started taking 10 minute breaks for meditation instead.
Let Go: I stopped using Meta as a platform for the Institute.
Let In: I started creating more content for the podcast and YouTube.
Let Go: I ended my Amazon Prime membership.
Let In: I’ve made choices to shop at organizations firm in their DEI policies.
Like I said, I’m on my own path and these patterns may not reflect what you need right now. But it’s more important now more than ever for each of us to harness the power of our inner GPS to manifest a more loving New Earth.
The New Earth cannot be born until we end the patterns of the old one. And although that may feel like an overwhelming task, you successfully create it every time you withdraw your energy from that which doesn’t serve and invest your energy in that which does.
The Lunar New Year is a perfect time to self-reflect on the world you want to create. If this letting go/letting in practice resonates, please consider taking the new Gravity Point™ Free Training where I’ll walk you through the exact 10 letting go and 10 letting in practices our students move through in the Gravity Point™ Trauma Program.
May this Lunar New Year empower you to become a powerful creator of the New Earth every single day.
Take care of you,