The only university-quality certification to blend neuroscience, yoga, quantum physics, and the Law of Attraction into one efficient, effortless model and method.


Align with Your Purpose, Amplify Your Power, and Attract More Prosperity

The Gravity Point Life Coach Certification program is a 28-week, university-quality training program that blends personal evolution and professional development to empower coaches with cutting-edge philosophies and practices that intervene at the sub-quantum level.

  • Learn from the same professor who launched Northwestern University's online counseling program
  • Receive world-class training in interdimensional sub-quantum (even deeper than quantum particles) well-being
  • Become an expert in the Gravity Point Method and join the movement to elevate the consciousness of humanity
  • Create financial and creative independence by launching your own business and brand
  • Empower clients to use their consciousness to optimize their life at the sub-quantum level
  • Become an expert in ground-breaking research in trauma resolution, wellness optimization, and quantum healing
  • Join a high-vibing community of people passionate about serving others
  • Access to a private community of peers and professors throughout your entire program
  • Retain lifetime access to all online courses and recordings

If you're interested in becoming a Gravity Point Life Coach, please complete an application and book an information call today.  During the call, we'll answer all your questions about the Life Coach program and examine if this program is a good fit. If it is, we will follow up with you on steps for enrollment within 48 business hours.

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The Gravity Point Life Coach Certification Includes:

  • Scientifically informed online course content designed to facilitate quantum health recovery for you and your clients
  • Engaging activities, self-reflective practices, and coaching skills exercises
  • Regularly scheduled live sessions with Dr. Anne and your peers
  • A step-by-step guide to building a coaching business so you can quantum leap into your new identity as an entrepreneur
  • Professional development philosophies and practices to empower you to work with clients in ten dimensions
  • Specialized training to equip you to facilitate Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC) for your clients related to their physical, mental, relational, spiritual, and financial wellness

Students brand new to the coaching profession will find everything they need to start their career from scratch. However, practitioners who have certifications from a wide variety of backgrounds are welcome to earn the Gravity Point Life Coach Certification as well.

Whether you're a mental health practitioner or nurse, yoga instructor or energy worker, this program will expand your current practice to empower you to work with clients interdimensionally, increase your impact and income, and put you at the edge of quantum healing.

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How We'll Support You

The same expert-level university-quality instruction Dr. Anne previously provided as a professor and administrator exclusively to expensive, elite universities

Regularly scheduled live sessions where you’ll ask questions, practice skills, connect with your peers, and meaningfully integrate the material

Engaging online content rooted in research from neuroscience, yogic philosophy, quantum physics, and the law of attraction

Interactive, private online portal to connect with instructors and peers

A step-by-step business tutorial to build and launch an online coaching business quickly to free you to work as a life coach - either all on its own or alongside your current practice

Lifetime access to all course content

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Dr. Ashley Anne created the Gravity Point Life Coach Certification program following a successful career as a trauma therapist, clinical supervisor, and counseling professor and administrator.

She worked as faculty for the top three counseling universities in the country, created trauma-focused training programs, served on curriculum development boards, designed, filmed, and directed innovative online courses, and directed the launch of Northwestern University's online counseling program. You can view her full resume here.

Within the first six months of practicing as a full-time licensed trauma therapist, she hit a massive episode of burnout that left her physically and mentally ill, spiritually disconnected, and suicidal. 

But this bout of burnout wasn't the beginning of her health struggles. By then, she'd already spent her entire life struggling to achieve physical, mental, and relational health, and was never taught about the importance of spiritual and financial health at all.

At the same time she experienced her health crisis, she was teaching in a top-tier counseling program where she felt deeply out of alignment observing student after student leave university training programs ill-equipped to protect themselves from compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma, and burnout. She worried they would likely experience the same burnout she did at the beginning of her career.

The biggest frustration was the feedback she received from colleagues, supervisors, and even her own therapists and medical practitioners: do more self-care.

The problem was that she was already practicing extensive self care. She did yoga 4-5 times a week, meditated, used biofeedback, did case consultation with trauma specialists, met with her own psychologist every week, and took medication to manage her mood.

Self-care simply didn't work.

She was faced with the difficult decision to either quit her career or to pave her own path.

She chose the latter.

So she dove into research on interpersonal neurobiology, psychology, yogic philosophy, quantum physics, the Law of Attraction, energy work, healing soul fractures, past life regressions, mediumship, cord cutting, essential oils, crystals, and more.

Through a rigorous heuristic research study, she brought together neuroscience, yogic philosophy, quantum physics, the Law of Attraction, and many more fields to build a more comprehensive, accurate framework for understanding the human experience in ten dimensions (see below).

Years of research and practice revealed that humans have ten dimensions and a thread of energy that runs through them all - a sub-quantum (deeper than even quantum particles) core. 

It's called the Gravity Point System and once she started working with her own clients from this sub-quantum core perspective, the results she was able to give her clients amplified exponentially.

The result of over a decade of research helped her conclude that being a high-functioning human has nothing to do with self-care...

Instead, it has everything to do with self-regulation.

The biggest error in the wellness field today is that most models fail to honor the interdimensional truth of who we are and what we can do.

Any framework that doesn't simultaneously address physical, mental, relational, spiritual, and financial health all at once will always fall short.

When we only focus on one dimension at a time, the dysregulated frequencies from other dimensions remain in a state of dissonance that inevitably disrupts the entire system.

This means that if we only address the physical experiences of back pain, for example, the worry, doubt, and self-criticism vibrating in the mental realms will inevitably make its way down into the back once again, triggering more pain in the future.

Another example: If we only try to make more money simply by managing our budget, earning higher wages, and investing in stocks and bonds, any efforts will be temporary and inadequate because eventually the lack of worthiness in our relationships will sabotage our financial success.

Optimizing the human experience requires that we shift toward an interdimensional framework that recognizes the true creative power underlying everything in existence: gravity itself. 

The Gravity Point Method is a unique integrative approach to personal optimization that honors ten dimensions of the human experience and empowers people to work with the quantum organ operating beneath them all: the Gravity Point System. 

Dr. Anne has mastered this Method personally and professionally, and is eager to help others implement this profound practice into their professional lives. 

The Gravity Point Life Coach Certification empowers coaches with the science behind the Gravity Point Model Method alongside delivering high-quality life coach training that incorporates similar skills she was previously allowed to only teach at elite, expensive universities. 

Practitioners who have implemented the Gravity Point Model and Method in their practice have reclaimed interdimensional well-being in their personal life, optimized their approach with clients so they feel energized by their work, and successfully increased their impact and income by building an interdimensional coaching business along the way.

The mission of the Gravity Point Life Coach Certification is to train more coaches to work with the Gravity Point System and to help humanity move into the next phase of its evolution as quantum beings.

The economy is going to shift in unexpected ways in the next few years as AI takes over jobs previously occupied by living, breathing beings.

It is a certainty that many people are going to feel displaced, dejected, and depressed as AI makes our work week shorter and forces us to reconsider where our human talents are to be invested.

The task of our time is to make sure these same people are able to successfully recover an innate sense of purpose and meaning in their lives.

The Gravity Point Model reveals the true interdimensional nature of being human, and highlights that humans are not meant to work. We're meant to create.

With the integration of AI into the workforce, many people will need to stop defining their purpose from work. We need a community of Gravity Point Life Coaches ready and willing to serve and support them during this transformational moment in human evolution.

Alongside supporting others, Gravity Point Life Coaches will up-level their own lives.

In the certification program, students are empowered to transcend their own trauma, care for themselves in 10 dimensions, reclaim their power, clarify their purpose, and control their personal and professional lives.

As they learn to identify their purpose and fulfill their own potential, Gravity Point Life Coaches are simultaneously empowered to help others do them.

If this mission resonates, please submit an application today.

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Phase 1: Personal Gravity Point Optimization

The first phase of the GPLCC program aims to help students optimize their own gravity to develop the personal philosophies and practices required to be an effective life coach. This phase emphasizes learning core content and concepts of the Gravity Point Model and Method and applying them to the coach’s personal life.

This phase emphasizes reviewing online content, and adopting the exact self-care, self-healing, and manifestation practices they will teach their clients. Students will also learn how to care for themselves in ten dimensions, transcend their own traumas, and master the mathematics of using gravity in manifestation.

Phase 2: Professional Gravity Point Optimization

The second phase of the GPLCC program requires coaches to work with real, paying clients under the mentorship of Gravity Point Institute faculty while they learn coaching skills and put them into practice. This phase emphasizes mastering coaching skills, customizing those skills to meet client needs, and learning to prevent compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma, and burnout associated with the emotional, physical, and mental load associated with coaching. 

Students begin by practicing their skills with peers, but are quickly encouraged to take on real, paying clients. Students have the opportunity to present client cases, receive customized feedback, and optimize their coaching with actual clients. This phase provides an opportunity to get real-life experience while earning an income within the safety net of the program, its professors, and the coach’s peers.

Each student will receive at least two opportunities to receive individualized feedback on their coaching skills during the live sessions in this phase.

Online Course Content

The philosophies, research, and practices within the certification program are learned each week through self-guided, online videos. As a trained counselor educator, Dr. Anne has built course curricula for world-renowned universities and has built the GPI program using the same standards you’d find in programs that would typically cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. 

Weekly Live Sessions

Each week, students are required to attend one live session with instructors via video conference. Live sessions are 2 hours during phase one and 3 hours during phase two. The additional hour accounts for additional practice opportunities and consultation of real cases. Sessions in phase one emphasize Q&A tailored to weekly content, group discussions, self-reflection, group skills practice, 1:1 collaboration with peers, and detailed feedback from professors. Sessions in phase two emphasize case consultation, feedback about live session recordings, and opportunities to achieve mastery with their skills. Each session is recorded.

Students are allowed to miss one live session within each phase of the program, and can view the recording to make up for the missed material. If students miss more than one live session in either phase, they will end their current phase of the program and be required to enroll in the next cohort. 

Private Student Community

Students have the opportunity to connect with their peers using a private online portal and will gain access to a cohort-specific community. Upon graduation, students will have the option to enroll in the alumni program, which includes opportunities for live case consultation and ongoing access to a private community dedicated to Gravity Point Life Coaches. These communities are hosted in a highly private, protected online portal - not on a social media platform.

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Program Overview

The Gravity Point Life Coach Certification program is a 28-week, university-quality training program that blends personal evolution and professional development to empower coaches with cutting-edge philosophies and practices in quantum well-being.

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The Gravity Point Life Coach Certification model honors the universal power of three by unifying five triangles to create a powerful pentagon: 

  1. Pedagogy
  2. Philosophy
  3. Personal Development
  4. Professional Development
  5. Practice
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The GPLCC program relies on a solid foundation of pedagogy (teaching philosophy) Dr. Anne built throughout her career as a counselor educator working as a professor for masters-level training programs.

Three pedagogical pillars form the basis of the program: Personal-is-Professional, Mastery-In-Motion, and Self-Preservation.


The Gravity Point Life Coach Certification is built using a cutting-edge, quantum model and method perfected throughout Dr. Anne’s career. It’s called the Gravity Point Model, and the core of the model - the Gravity Point System - reveals a 10-dimensional map for organizing all of human knowledge and effectively brings together what physicists call a unifying theory.

Within this model, all universal forces (including gravity) are blended to create a new anatomy for understanding the human experience, one that honors the immortal, interdimensional, integrative, and interstellar nature of it.

Begin Your Journey

This new anatomy identifies ten dimensions of quantum particle organization, from the singularity to the soul and effectively brings together all knowledge in one comprehensive, cohesive model.

As a Gravity Point Life Coach, you’ll learn how to work with clients in ten dimensions, and to illuminate opportunities to integrate different modalities of healing - and potentially collaborate with other practitioners - in strategic, specific ways. Below is a brief overview of the ten dimensions, with examples of approaches and practitioners that are honored throughout the model.


Each phase within the Gravity Point Life Coach Certification program emphasizes practicing skills across two phases of development: personal and professional. Each phase includes self-guided online content and live sessions where you can get personalized support as needed alongside your journey. You can also ask questions and engage in meaningful conversation with peers and professors on the private community portal.

A general overview of the phases included in the program are detailed below; however please download the syllabus for additional details.

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The Gravity Point Life Coach Certification contains six online courses blended across two phases and 28 weeks. The first phase, Personal Optimization, is an in-depth learning experience that immerses coaches in the philosophies and practices within the Gravity Point Model, Method, and Manifestation. Near the end of this phase, students put together the back end of their business so they can attract clients during the break between phases.

- GPI 101: Gravity Point Self-Care
- GPI 102: Gravity Point Self-Healing
- GPI 103: Gravity Point Manifestation
- GPI 201: Gravity Point Quantum Business Skills

The second phase, Professional Optimization, emphasizes life coaching skills, professional identity development, and working with real clients using advanced, interdimensional techniques.

- GPI 202: Gravity Point Life Coaching Skills
- GPI 203: Gravity Point Advanced Interdimensional Coaching Skills

Online content is released weekly to give students an opportunity to review the content prior to each live session. Live Sessions are held weekly to provide a deeper, more personalized experience.

Students are required to complete the online content prior to each live session, including all videos, quizzes, and self-reflective exercises. Live session dates along with corresponding modules for the February 2025 cohort are included in the downloadable syllabus.

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Master the art and science of quantum well-being, join a revolutionary community of coaches, and receive world-class support.

You'll receive access to:

  • Cutting-edge philosophies and practices in Sub-Quantum Life Coaching, learning to work with gravity itself as as source of consciousness adn well-being
  • Live sessions with a pioneer in sub-quantum wellness
  • A private, protected community of peers who will inspire and support you throughout your career
  • Step-by-step instructions for building, launching, and operating an online coaching business

Give yourself permission to walk the path aligned with your soul. Please considering joining us as a Gravity Point Life Coach and submit an application now.

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Gravity Point Life Coach Certification


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  • Master advanced coaching skills and quantum wellness techniques to facilitate client transformation in ten dimensions.
  • Develop expertise in cutting-edge trauma resolution, interdimensional wellness, and quantum healing research.
  • Learn to build and launch a successful online coaching business for maximum impact and income.
  • Acquire skills to empower clients in optimizing their empathic abilities and quantum core.
  • Gain proficiency in interdimensional coaching methodologies and Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC).
  • Join an exclusive community of high-vibe practitioners dedicated to serving others and evolving human health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still Have Questions?

Please reach out to us with additional questions. We'd be happy to clarify details of the program so you can confidently make the decision that's right for you.

By submitting, I consent to the Gravity Point Institute, LLC contacting me by email at the address provided about the program.