Ashley Anne, PhD (she/her) evolved and optimized her signature method of helping her clients heal, evolve, and grow over two decades and hundreds of Gravity Point™ Method sessions. Early in her career as a trauma therapist, Dr. Anne noticed that her clients moved through the healing process in a very specific way - from emotions with lower vibrations to emotions with higher vibrations. When she walked each client through this journey, they transcended trauma easily and effortlessly without having to experience the retraumatization so common in reliving past events.


Dr. Anne first looked to conventional medicine to explain what was happening to her clients during this healing process. Here she pulled together conclusions from hundreds of research studies from a wide array of fields.

  • Neuroscience
  • Interpersonal Neurobiology
  • Brain-Based Trauma Research
  • Counseling Theory
  • Psychodynamic Theory
  • Cognitive-Behavioral Theory
  • Internal Family Systems Theory
  • Gestalt Theory
  • Mindsight
  • Affective Systems Research
  • Interpersonal Neurobiology
  • The Field of Intersubjectivity
  • Behaviorism
  • Social Psychology
  • Humanistic Theory
  • Social Psychology
  • And more…

The conclusions of the first phase of her study resulted in a dissertation during her doctoral work. She created an assessment that proposed a new diagnostic approach for mental health - one that categorized disorder, not according to an arbitrary collection of signs and symptoms, but according to the underlying neurological, affective systems influencing them. The results were promising, and when she submitted her article to a world renown journal, she was invited to publish her work with revisions.

Read Dr. Anne's Dissertation

Dr. Anne was apprehensive to move forward with publication. She was concerned her research would become exclusive, available only to those who could afford to access paid journals and only advertised to people who were already professionals. She ultimately decided to forgo publication and instead continued to expand her research to include other forms of knowledge.

In 2017, Dr. Anne completed a unique yoga certification that not only enabled her to teach physical asanas (postures), but also exposed her to an in-depth study of yogic philosophy - including the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the Yamas and Niyamas, the Bhagavad Gita, the Chakra System, Sanskrit, and more. 

This experience ignited curiosity into the Vedic Sciences. Veda literally means knowledge, and she found that many vedic principles were echoed within neuroscience. For example, just as there were seven affective systems proposed by Dr. Jaak Panksepp and Lucy Biven, there were seven chakras within the traditional chakra system. 

This meant that the emotional map she used with her clients was not only supported by neuroscience research, but yoga principles dating at least 5,000 years old also confirmed why her approach worked so well. 

She knew this wasn’t a coincidence, so she began to correlate neuroscience research with yogic principles to create a ten-dimensional map of human experiences according to each perspective. 

At the same time she was updating her model with yoga, she was also diving deep into cutting-edge quantum research and philosophy by pioneers like Dr. Joe Dispenza and Dr. Deepak Chopra. The quantum health movement inspired her to explore how quantum mechanics might also explore human experiences. 

She learned about elemental particles, the forces that keep them together, how string theory explains an interdimensional relationship of reality, and how gravity bends spacetime itself. Quantum physics also revealed a ten-dimensional map of human experiences. 

The more she constructed a new understanding of how being human actually worked, the more Dr. Anne realized that ancient philosophies embedded within mysticism already revealed this knowledge long ago. The Emerald Tablet, the art of alchemy, the law of attraction, and A Course in Miracles all supported the idea that humans were interdimensional beings.

Neuroscience, Yoga, Quantum Physics, and Mysticism ultimately became the Pillars of Perspective within Dr. Anne’s Model. All perspectives agreed on five fundamental principles about how being human works.

Interdimensionality is especially important in understanding the complexity of being human.  Each dimension of the human experience is made up of different quantum/physical material, which means each dimension operates in its own unique way. Understanding all of them is required for an optimal life experience.

Energy is constantly moving within and between each dimension, which means that the entire human experience can be described in one phrase: energy in motion.

As energy moves, the movement one of two things: either bringing particles together or separating them apart. Strong, weak, and electromagnetic forces are involved in the fusion and diffusion of particles. 

However, there is one force that has yet to be unified with the others: gravity. 

Within Maric-Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, gravity is a curvature in spacetime, whereas in quantum mechanics, gravity is considered a force that influences particles. Conventional quantum physicists have yet to reconcile these two apparently opposing perspectives, but Dr. Anne posed an important question in her work:

What if these perspectives aren’t opposing at all? 

What if gravity curves spacetime and as a result fuses and diffuses particles to manufacture matter itself?

If this were to be true, then gravity is the mechanism constantly manufacturing reality across all ten dimensions of the human experience. In this way, gravity quite literally becomes a law of attraction. As points of gravity bend spacetime, they rearrange the energy - fusing and diffusing particles along the way.

This explains how celestial bodies came into creation. Earth, for example, was created when a single point of gravity bent spacetime and moved the energy around it for so long that it gathered the particles that make up the ground we walk on today.

Nothing escapes the law of gravity, so it stands to reason that this interdimensional mechanism is fully operational across human experiences too.

In this way, gravity became the final piece of Dr. Anne’s model that helped to explain the movement of energy within and between the dimensions. Ten gravity points move energy from higher to lower dimensions, and ten gravity points move energy from lower to higher dimensions. These twenty gravity points make up what Dr. Anne calls the Gravity Point System, a mechanism that she believes we’ve been so far calling the inner GPS.


Indeed, we have an inner GPS, and it guides everything we do. 

Energy moved by gravity in dimensions 9 and 10 manufactures spiritual experiences. Energy moved by gravity in dimensions 7 and 8 manufactures mental experiences. Energy moved by gravity in dimensions 6 and 5 manufactures relational experiences. Energy moved by gravity in dimensions 4 and 3 manufactures physical experiences. And energy moved by gravity in dimensions 2 and 1 manufactures beahvioral experiences.

Human experiences are manufactured via energy in motion, and energy in motion literally is emotion.

This means the entire human experience can be regulated and optimized by regulating and optimizing emotion. With the discovery of the Gravity Point System, Dr. Anne could finally explain why her clients transformations were so instantaneous, powerful, and long-lasting. Dr. Anne never allowed her clients to vent or erratically experience emotion in session. Instead, her model and method centered on optimizing emotion in a very specific, strategic way. 

Every time she taught her clients to feel the sensation of their emotions, think about a high-perspective story behind their emotions, and act in empowered ways that resolved the emotion, she successfully taught them how to harness their gravity points, move energy, and ultimately manufacture drastically improved outcomes in their lives. 

Although Dr. Anne was conventionally trained in mental health, her clients experienced spontaneous, easy change in every aspect of their lives.

Relational conflict spontaneously resolved itself without their clients needing to arduously argue for their preferred outcome.

Long-standing physical issues faded away with seemingly no intervention.

Their actions better aligned with creating abundance, and financial resources poured into their lives without working harder or longer.

And many of her clients regained access to their spiritual selves that had been long lost before.

As Dr. Anne developed her practice, she found herself increasingly drawn to empowering women and non-binary individuals in their paths of personal transformation and leadership. Her focus emerged organically as she recognized the unique challenges and systemic barriers these groups have historically faced in various spheres of life.

By creating a specialized community at Gravity Point™ Institute dedicated to women and non-binary leaders and light workers, she aims to provide a safe, supportive environment where participants can freely express themselves, share experiences, and grow together. This intentional focus allows her to address the specific needs and perspectives of women and non-binary individuals, fostering a space where they can fully explore their potential as leaders and healers.

The Gravity Point System provides a long-awaited, science-backed map that illuminates the energetic underpinnings of human experiences. Your inner GPS is the sub-quantum thread that connects every aspect of your life: spiritual, mental, relational, physical, and behavioral experiences.

Having the life you’re divinely destined to live is as simple as harnessing your Gravity Point System. If you're feeling deeply called to heal yourself and better serve the world, please check out our free Gravity Point™ Trauma Training to learn more.



Ashley Anne, PhD (she/her) is a Metaphysician, Trauma Specialist, and Founder of the Gravity Point™ Institute.

Her journey to founding the Institute began with a deeply personal quest for healing. From childhood health struggles to battling depression as an adult, she was driven by a singular question: "Why am I so sick?" 

Dissatisfied with what she learned through conventional medical models, she ventured out on a 20 year research project to better understand what was underlying her struggles. This quest led her down a lifelong heuristic inquiry that resulted in several degrees and certifications:

  • PhD in Counselor Education
  • MA in Counseling Psychology
  • BA in Communication
  • Mindsight Immersive Training with Dr. Dan Siegel, Founder of Interpersonal Neurobiology
  • Specialized Training in Trauma and Somatic-Interventions
  • 2-Year Marriage and Family Fellowship Training
  • Licensed Counselor for 10 years (she is no longer licensed) 
  • Certified yoga instructor 
  • Certified Reiki practitioner
  • Certified in neurofeedback
  • Advanced training and research in quantum physics and holistic therapies

Her experiences taught her the power of energy and the innate healing ability of the human system through emotion.  Observing and optimizing her own emotional experiences ultimately freed her from the constant cycle of feeling stuck, shut down, and dissatisfied, and now she teaches her method every single day to students at the Gravity Point™ Institute. If you want to learn more about how to optimize your own life and empower others to do the same, please begin by reading the free Gravity Point™ Guidebook: Harness Your Inner GPS to Become More Happy, Healthy, and Whole.